Max Christiansen
Software Engineer

devoted to creating beautifully simple, modern web experiences

My Expertise
Highly proficient in both functional and OOP. Experienced with JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C#, Java, and Ruby.
Delivering exceptional UI/UX for over 4 years. Extensive experience in HTML5, CSS, SaSS, ES6, React, Gatsby, and Vue.
High EQ &
An empathetic and compassionate leader who expresses solid logical, analytical, and critical reasoning skills.
Professional Experience
- Idaho Falls, ID
- Vue.js frontend developer collaborating extensively with backend, services, and design on an ecommerce app that spans 7 global markets
- Increased local dev build time from 1-3 minutes to 3-6 seconds within first two weeks in role through global overhaul to webpack config
- Greenfielded new Cypress repo for first-time implementation of QA Regression Automation
- Acting Cypress SME
- Pushed-for and authored Node.js version updates to dependencies across 7 projects
- Consulting with C-Suite level stakeholders for implementation of best practices and prioritization of tech-debt work

- JS
- Vue
- SaSS
- PatternLab
- Webpack
- Cypress
- C#
- Sitecore
- Azure
- Boise, ID & San Francisco, CA
- Principal contributor to three repos
- Hand-rolled frontend features in HTML, CSS, and JS/TS without any dependencies
- Overhauled legacy code and implemented React best practices
- Increased code usability, portability, and reduced load time
- Greenfielded a new React repo written in TS ahead of company rebrand
- Wrote unit and E2E tests against components and pages
- Collaborated extensively with designers to achieve intuitive UI/UX
- Touches to over 150,000 lines of code
- Specialized in web accessibility

- TS
- JS
- React
- Gatsby
- Styled-Components
- Storybook
- Jest
- Cypress
- GraphQL
- Contentful
- Netlify
- GitHub
- Boise, ID
- Furthered student understanding across three stacks
- Created and delivered comprehensive lectures
- Collaborated with school leadership
- Developed new curricular content
- Supported student learning on an individual basis

- Python
- C#
- TS
- JS
- Django
- React
- Angular
- Node
- Express
- Mongo
- Cincinnati, OH
- Instructed and developed a high school CS curricula in grades 9-12
- Developed strong foundational knowledge of CS Algorithms & Data Structures
- Computer Architecture & Quantum Computing
- Ethics in Technology & Women in Programming

- Python
- Java
- JS